How to grow mushrooms

on coffee grounds, end substrate and logs

Status Gruten june 2024:

Summer of 2023 Gruten ended its mushroom production (read more here about why, in norwegian). Since then we have been taking it easy and had limited activity. Including workshops. We are now working on finding a way forward and continuing our business. We will announce news on facebook and add any workshops open to public on our webpage.

Thanks for your interest and support! Siri/Gruten

Practical and hands on - with lots of learning and something to take home

These are two workshops run predominantly in english (fine with questions in norwegian).

The difference between them is the additional focus on logs in #2.

For both workshops contact us ( if you are a student or have difficulty paying the full workshoop fee. We want to give the opportunity of learning to people of all walks of life.

Workshop # 1: How to grow oyster mushrooms - on coffee waste and alternative substrates

This workshop is a shorter version of our course in Norwegian (Fra kaffekopp til østerssopp) without formal presentation and focus on the practical work. It also touches on the subject of using alternative materials to grow on. The workshop takes place at Vollebekk fabrikker where our container farm is situated, and will last 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Length is a little dependent on number of participants and questions asked underway.

During the workshop you will hear more about how to grow mushrooms on coffee waste and other substrates. You will also get a bit of insight into how you can use the end substrate (what is left after you harvest the mushrooms). Each participant will make their own grow bag to take home. At the end you are invited to have a peek inside our containers, buy fresh mushrooms and other Gruten products. You can also take home end substrate for building your own soppbed/box.

Brief content:

- Welcome and introduction

- How to grow oyster mushrooms on unpasteurized coffee grounds, husk and raps halm pellets

- Use of end substrate in garden/soil, compost and to make soppbed/boxes

- Practical part: cleaning and mixing bags with mycel and substrate

- Summary & questions

- Short tour of our farm


Workshop # 2: How to grow mushrooms - on coffee grounds, end substrate and logs

Gruten and the project Soppløsninger is happy to join forces and invite you to this workshop - with lots of learning and something to take home.

In two locations:Gruten/Vollebekk fabrikker and Nesodden/Fagerstrand

During the workshop you will learn and get to know more about: how to cultivate oyster mushrooms on coffee waste and other unpaseurized substrates, ways to use spent substrate (what is left after you harvest) and growing mushrooms on logs.

NB: The focus of the workshop will be a little different between the two locations. At Fagerstrand we will be spend more time on the topic of growing on logs and give you opportunity take one home with plugs. At the Oslo event you will get to mix coffee grounds with mycelium and make your own grow bag. In Oslo there is also a chance to look inside the containers where Gruten grow oyster mushrooms. And to take home end substrate for making your own mushroom bed/box.

Materials for growing on coffee grounds (spawn and grow bags) plugs and materials from Soppløsninger can be purchased at both workshops. Best is to get in touch with us in advance ( if you want to order, to make sure we bring enough.

Workshop will predominantly be run in english and last 2 - 2 1/2 hours, exact time is dependent on number of participants and questions asked underway.

Main facilitator is Konrad Sachman, head of mushroom production at Gruten and project leader of Soppløsninger. For the Oslo event Siri Mittet from Gruten may also join.

Price: 650


- Welcome and introduction

- How to grow oyster mushrooms on unpasteurized coffee grounds, husk and raps halm pellets

- How to use end substrate in garden/soil, in compost and making mushroom bed/box

- Growing mushrooms on logs - with plugs.

- Practical part: making grow bags with coffee grounds and spawn*

- Practical part: preparing and inserting plugs to log**

- Summary & questions

- Tour of containers*

- Sale of products & materials

*Oslo Workshop

**Fagerstrand Workshop

Meld deg på et Grutenarrangement

13:00 - 16:00

Sted: Geitmyra skolehager

Tidsrammme: ca 3 timer (inkludert pause). Påmeldingsfrist: 16.sept.

Deltageavgift/650 kroner inkluderer å lage markkompostbinge, fylt med meitemark (red wriggler) og startjord/materiale.

13:00 - 16:00

Sted: Geitmyra skolehager

Tidsrammme: ca 3 timer (inkludert pause) Påmeldingsfrist: 16.sept

Deltageravgift/400 kroner er kurs uten å lage markompostkompostbinge.

13:00 - 16:00

Sted: Geitmyra skolehager

Tidsrammme: ca 3 timer (inkludert pause) Påmeldingsfrist: 16.sept

Deltageravgift/1000 kroner er for deg som deltar sammen med en annen person (for eks samboer) og dere lager 1 stk markkompostbinge sammen.